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What the Bible Says About Why We Die

The Bible answers every major life question human kind has ever raised, and the answer to "why we die" is no exception. The Bible says, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). In other words, we all earn our wages by sinning, which is disobeying God's commandments. We have all been tried by God, found guilty, and sentenced to capital punishment set for some future date. Accordingly, the next question is, "Do you think you are a good person, or do you believe you have earned your wages, which is your death?

I Think I'm a Good Person

Thank you for your honesty. Most people think they are basically good. But this is because we measure ourselves against other people. When God judges us, He will judge our thoughts, words, and actions against his Ten Commandments, which are His moral Laws. Now I need your continued honesty. We are going to hold a mock court where we will walk you through a few of God's Ten Commandments to see how good you really are.

Please know we are not your judges and have our own guilt to deal with before God. The Bible says God's law is a tutor to bring us to Him (Galatians 3:24). So, we'll let His law and your conscience be your judges. Please proceed and pause long enough to answer each question truthfully.

Ninth Commandment
Exodus 20:16

How many lies have you told in your life?

What do you call someone who tells lies?

And, if you are honest, what does that make you?

Eighth Commandment
Exodus 20:15

Have you ever stolen anything regardless of its value or how long ago it was? Have you ever downloaded music from the Internet that you did not purchase, or taken a longer break at work than your employer allows?

What do you call someone who steals?

And, if you are honest, what does that make you?

Seventh Commandment 
Exodus 20:14

Jesus taught that even our lustful thoughts for another person are equivalent to adultery in God's eyes (Matthew 5:27-28). 

Have you ever lusted after another person, watched pornography, or had sex outside of marriage (i.e., fornication)? All of these are forms of lust that the Bible calls sexual immorality.

Consequently, by God's holy standards, are you sexually immoral?

Third Commandment
Exodus 20:7

Have you ever used God's name as a curse word, or in vain as with OMG or to express disgust as with the misuse of the name of Jesus Christ? This is called blasphemy, and in the Old Testament, the crime was a capital offense.

Think about it. Would you use your own mother's name this way? Hopefully the answer to that question is "No" because you respect and love her. Thus, when we do this with God's name, we are taking the name of the One who gave us life, eyesight, hearing, food, puppies, flowers, blue skies, and so many other good things, and using his name in the place of a filth word. 


​So how did you measure up against God's Law rather than comparing yourself to other people? Did you realize you are a lying, thieving blasphemer? Did you learn you are sexually immoral in God's eyes and have displeased Him? The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

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