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My Verdict

At this point, you either measured yourself against four of God's Ten Commandments, His moral Laws, or you already believe you are not a good person in God's eyes. If you are honest, you are unable to count the number of lies you have told, have been a thief at some point in time, or have used God's name in vain or have, at least in your heart, committed adultery.

The question now is will you be innocent or guilty before God when you face Him on judgment day? The Bible explains that it is appointed for us to die once and then stand before God in judgment to give an account for breaking His moral Laws, which is what it means to sin (Hebrews 9:27, Romans 2:4-8).

On that day will you be found "Innocent" or "Guilty"?


You have deemed yourself innocent of breaking God's holy Laws. How have you justified this verdict? 

Did you tell yourself that God will forgive you because he's good? The truth that God is a good judge is exactly why He cannot simply pardon your crimes. An earthly judge who releases guilty criminals back into society without proper punishment is not being a good judge. How much more so, will the holy God of the universe, justly hold accountable those who break His Laws?

Perhaps you said to yourself "my good deeds in life outweigh my bad ones", so God will overlook my sins?" This will not even work in a human court of law. A man or woman may have lived an exemplary life until one day he or she decides to commit armed robbery and in the process shoots and kills a guard. When the person is in an earthly court, the judge will not dismiss his or her crimes because of past good deeds. The person is not on trial for their good deeds, they are on trial for their crimes. So, when we think God is willing to look the other way and excuse our sins, we are actually creating a "god" of our own imagination. This is called idolatry (Exodus 20:3-6).

Or, did you decide that your life was perfect enough? You never really lied, stole, or had murderous or adulterous thoughts? The Bible calls this the sin of self-righteousness. Since the Bible clearly states that God alone is perfectly good and all have sinned, when we will not admit our sin, we call God a liar (Romans 3:23, 1John 1:10). 

The Bible warns us that the person who conceals his sin will not prosper, but he who confesses will find compassion (Proverbs 28:13). Because of this, I encourage you to re-evaluate yourself and invite you to read the section for the "Guilty" even if right now you do not believe it applies to you. Or click here to consider why you should trust the Bible.



You have said well that you are guilty of breaking God's Law just like the rest of us. Now, let's look deeper into what the Bible warns concerning our guilt.

The Bible not only tells us why we all die, it also tells us what will happen after we die. It warns us that it is appointed for man to die once and then to face God's judgment (Hebrews 9:27). And, it warns that if we are found to be guilty at that judgment, we will face the second death and not enter into Heaven. The Bible has several names for the second death, the most well-known name is Hell. It is the place the Bible describes as eternal punishment, the lake of fire, unquenchable fire (Daniel 12:2, Revelation 20:14-15, Mark 9:47-48). It warns us that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8) and the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Therefore, dear reader, please ask yourself if you were to die today and face God's judgment, would your verdict be Heaven or Hell? If it is Hell, does this concern you? We are certainly concerned for you, and this is why we have created these web pages.

If you are concerned, please click here to learn what God did for guilty sinners so that we would not have to be sentenced to Hell.

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